Snakes with Fists!

Snakes with Fists!

What is it?

Snakes with fists is a tribute to the great Beat 'em Up style games from the late 80's and early 90's (Battletodas, TMNT, Double Dragon, etc.).

Something Slither This Way Comes!

Cobruh and Konduh are up to their fangs in adventure as they slither from the city shadows and enter into The Hive Lord’s subterranean network. You will have to PUNCH your way through 12 snake bitten levels, fighting the Sludge Syndicate on your path to reach The Hive Lord.

Fists and Fangs!

The Sludge Syndicate doesn’t stand a chance against the power attacks dished out by the Snakes with Fists! The Knuckle Sandwich and Brass Tail Whip will enable the heroes to slam, swipe, and shut-down the subterranean scum. More moves are learned along the way allowing you to customize your playstyle by selecting your snake's abilities at the start of each round.


Two player mode is not necessary, but it is more fun! Each unique duo, depending on the abilities you each select, enables a different special Double Trouble Attack!